
How to Combat Thinning Hair from Menopause

As a woman gets older, hormonal changes and declines in her body, known as menopause, will inevitably take place and begin to have lasting physical effects on her body. One of these changes may be thinning or loss of hair. During this time in their lives,

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Does SMP Work For Women?

Just like men, women can experience hair loss with the same or even worse looking results. Whether you have female-pattern hair loss, patchiness or scars, our treatments are not bound to just one gender. Here at ScalpMasters, you can expect our SMP treatments to work for

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Causes for Hair Loss in Men and Women

A very common concern for adults as they grow older is hair loss. There are a few different reasons you may be losing your hair, both between men and women, but everyone can agree that it’s an issue no one wants to deal with. Hair loss

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